Scoring Formula
To provide a repair-friendliness score for various products, we plan to evaluate them on the following:
What is the product's iFixit repairability rating?
Does the product have better-than-average warranty period for its segment?
Has the product been listed on Indian Government's Right To Repair portal?
Are the repair manuals available to public without any cost?
Does the manufacturer sell replacement parts for the product?
Is the product made of standardized parts which can be bought from other vendors?
is the product available for direct purchase in India (without having to import it and going through customs) ?
Does the manufacturer provide repair services in India?
Is the product made or assembled in India?
Are the product schematics, firmware source code and CAD designs available as open-source?
Is the product certified by OSHWA?
Is the manufacturer website properly archived on Waybackmachine / to provide traceable history for various documentation and policies?
Last updated